
Warping is a challenge during handbuilt pottery lessons. When clay pieces twist or bend out of shape, it can be frustrating for both beginners and experienced potters. Warping occurs when the clay dries unevenly or faces temperature changes during firing. This problem can ruin the hard work you’ve put into creating beautiful pottery pieces.

You can minimise the chances of your pottery warping with the proper techniques and tools. Properly preparing and handling clay, ensuring even drying, and carefully monitoring the firing process can all help keep your pottery pieces in good shape. Learning to handle these aspects will give you more control over your pottery, making your crafting experience more enjoyable.

Understanding Why Pottery Warps

Warping in handbuilt pottery happens due to uneven drying or temperature changes during firing. The piece can twist or bend when parts of the clay dry faster than others. This uneven moisture causes parts of the clay to shrink at different rates, leading to warping. If the kiln’s temperature is not consistent, it can also affect the shape of the pottery.

Causes of Warping:

– Uneven Drying: When clay dries too quickly in some areas and slowly in others, it can warp.

– Improper Handling: Handling clay too much or unevenly can create weak spots that warp.

– Inconsistent Firing: Temperature changes in the kiln can make one side of the piece shrink more than the other, causing warping.

Common Signs of Warping:

– Twisted Edges: If the edges of your pottery are not straight, it might be warping.

– Bent Bases: The bottom of the piece may not sit flat on a surface.

– Cracks: Visible cracks can indicate uneven drying, which often leads to warping.

Recognising these signs helps you catch warping before it ruins your piece, allowing you to take corrective steps early.

Techniques to Prevent Warping

Preventing warping starts with proper clay preparation and handling. Following these steps can help you avoid common issues.

Steps to Prepare and Handle Clay:

1. Wedge the Clay: Thoroughly mix and remove air bubbles by wedging the clay to make it even.

2. Use Consistent Thickness: Make sure your clay slabs are the same thickness so they dry evenly.

3. Support Your Piece: Use forms or supports to keep the shape while building and drying.

Methods for Drying and Firing:

1. Slow Drying: Dry your pieces slowly by covering them with plastic or damp cloths to prevent rapid drying.

2. Rotate Pieces: Rotate your pottery regularly during drying to ensure even moisture loss.

3. Controlled Firing: Ensure the kiln heats and cools slowly and evenly to avoid thermal shock.

Additional Tips:

– Use dry and damp clay together: Combining different moisture levels can lead to uneven drying.

– Avoid drafts: Keep your drying area free from strong air currents that can speed up drying on one side.

Following these steps and maintaining an even drying and firing environment can significantly reduce the chances of warping in your handbuilt pottery.

Tools and Materials to Help Maintain Shape

The right tools and materials can help keep your pottery pieces in shape and prevent warping. Here are some helpful items and how they aid in maintaining shape.

Useful Tools:

1. Clay Slab Rollers: These ensure your clay slabs are uniform in thickness, which helps in even drying and reduces warping.

2. Flexible Rulers and Wooden Guides: These tools help make consistent cuts and shapes, contributing to even drying.

3. Banding Wheels or Turntables: These allow you to rotate your piece easily, ensuring all sides dry evenly.


1. Foam Pads and Cushions: Placing your work on soft surfaces like foam pads can support and reduce stress on the clay, helping it dry evenly.

2. Plastic or Damp Cloths: Covering your pieces with plastic or damp cloth slows the drying process, making it more uniform.

3. Kiln Shelves and Stilts: Proper kiln furniture, such as shelves and stilts, ensures your pieces stay flat and stable during firing.

These tools and materials are essential for maintaining the shape and structure of your pottery. They help create an even drying environment and provide support where needed.

Fixing Warped Pottery

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, pottery can warp. Here are some methods to fix minor warping issues and tips on when to start over.

Methods to Fix Minor Warping:

1. Re-hydration: Lightly mist the warped area with water and reshape it. Be gentle to avoid further damage.

2. Use of Weights: Place gentle weights on the warped section while it finishes drying. This can help flatten out minor bends.

3. Adjusting During Firing: If caught early, you might correct slight warping by adjusting the piece in the kiln before it becomes too rigid.

When to Salvage or Start Over:

– Minor Warping: If the warping is minimal and doesn’t affect the piece’s functionality or aesthetics much, try fixing it using the methods above.

– Severe Warping: If the piece is significantly bent or twisted, it may be best to start over. Sometimes, even the best methods can only partially correct severe warping without compromising the piece’s integrity.

Understanding when to attempt fixes and when to begin anew saves time and ensures better quality in your finished pieces. Learning these skills will improve your overall pottery experience and outcome.


Warping in handbuilt pottery can be frustrating, but understanding the causes and how to prevent and fix them can lead to better results. Properly preparing and handling your clay, ensuring it dries evenly, and using the right tools and materials are crucial. When warping does occur, knowing how to address it effectively helps maintain the quality and beauty of your pottery.

Applying these techniques lets you enjoy a more prosperous and satisfying pottery-making experience. Overcoming warping issues improves your skills and enhances the durability and appearance of your pottery pieces.

Visit The Potter’s Shed for more tips and to explore our pottery classes in Adelaide. Join our community of potters and start creating beautiful, unique pieces today!

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